Kindred World has "Served the Re-Generation" and its grassroots, consciousness-raising movement for over 25 years. Below you will find a consciously curated collection of resources, initiatives, projects, and pointers on the path to help us as a human family move toward a Wisdom-based, Wellness-informed Society.
Kindred World is proud to launch The Evolved Nest’s educational short film, Breaking the Cycle. The moving and inspirational six-minute film illustrates our capacity for breaking our current Cycle of Competitive Detachmentand returning to the pattern of 95% of our human history: a healthy, peaceful Cycle of Cooperative Companionship. Breaking the Cycle is based on the multi-award-winning book, Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom, by Darcia Narvaez, PhD.
Discover dates and times for these live, monthly meetings by joining dedicated platform at Mighty Networks,
Join Darcia Narvaez and Lisa Reagan for monthly LIVE discussion of the Evolved Nest Initiatives's short films, Breaking the Cycle and Re-Imagining Humanity. You can watch the films and find resources, including a film guide on the Evolved Nest website.
Check out the film, discussion guide, Spanish version, and other resources on the film's site.
Welcome seekers, trance-breakers, thought leaders, change makers, social change artists, artivists, accelerators and cultural creatives! Kindred’s Community Forums and Salons are where we can learn, share, and grow together with like-minded individuals and groups who want to be a part of something greater than ourselves.
For over a quarter century, Kindred World has brought together people who are working toward the common goal of transforming ourselves and our world toward sustainability and peace. In this safe space on Mighty Networks, we want to hear about YOUR skills, organization, community story, and mastery of some aspect of social change. Please tell us your story when you join!
By joining the Kindred Community Mighty Networks platform, you are agreeing to model nonviolent communication, kindness, and curiosity. Please take a moment to introduce yourself when you join.
We are happy to offer this safe space without the distractions of ads, or algorithms deciding for you what you will see.
Kindred Media has chronicled the breakthroughs and insights of the New Story of Our Human Family for over 20 years. Our wisdom archives and oral histories present and preserve this living, consciousness-raising movement's efforts to help families thrive despite America's ranking as the "worst place" to raise a child among all developed nations. Kindred Media is a collaboration of over 200 contributors and organizational partners who are envisioning together a Wisdom-based, Wellness-Informed Society.
Subscribe to receive Kindred Magazine's issues by email here.
Connect with the Kindred Magazines' website at
Discover Kindred Media's features, podcasts, interviews, videos, and New Story Glossary here.
What is our Evolved Nest?
Children are biosocial creatures such that their biology is constructed by their social experience. The evolved nest or evolved developmental niche (EDN) is the ecological system of care provided by families, teachers and communities that aligns with the maturational schedule of the child, satiating the evolved needs of infants and children, allowing them to flourish and develop compassionate spiritualities. The EDN consists of soothing gestation and birth, on-request extensive breastfeeding and positive moving touch (no negative touch), a welcoming social climate, self-directed play with multiple aged mates, warmly responsive nurturing from mother and others, nature immersion and connection, and healing practices to repair miscommunication or hurts. Well-nested children and adults demonstrate social and moral flexibility, adapting to situations and others with emotional and spiritual intelligence.
You will find links to each of the nine components of humanity's Evolved Nest in this learning center that features Darcia Narvaez's award-winning research.
You will also find here the checklists for nested early childhood, childhood, and adulthood. This self-directed, virtual learning center is still growing, so be sure to subscribe to the Evolved Nest's monthly newsletter to keep up with our additions!
Visit the Evolved Nest Learning Center.
Breaking the Cycle illustrates our capacity for breaking our current Cycle of Competitive Detachment and returning to the pattern of 95% of our human history: a healthy, peaceful Cycle of Cooperative Companionship. Breaking the Cycle is based on the multi-award-winning book, Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom, by Darcia Narvaez, PhD.
Watch the film and discover resources below.
The goal of this film is to expand human imagination, based in deep history and transdisciplinary science, about human potential. We have not always been so stressed, disconnected and mindlessly destructive. For most of our species existence we have lived in cooperative companionship. The film illustrates what this looks like.
Watch the film and discover resources below.
During America’s slide to the bottom of all international wellness indicators during the past 50 years, a grassroots movement of researchers, scientists, practitioners, parents, caregivers, and activists served the human family, pioneered new fields of science and advocated for nurturing our species as a way to create sustainable humans.
Here are Kindred’s most impactful interviews, podcasts, and features with Wayfinders, Trance-breakers, and New Cycle Makers.
Learn more about America’s last place rankings for international health indicators, and Kindred’s quarter century history of educating and empowering families, on our About Us page. works to connect readers with independent booksellers all over the world.
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"I have been getting kindred newsletters for many years now and would love to be a part of this new extension of kindred's greatness… I gain tons knowledge. i gain conformation of my instincts and confidence in my instincts." – Jessica M.
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Dialogue about how to implement children's needs directly I to EVERY aspect of human living, including and especially regarding workplace conditions and policies and how these impact families and children... the future of humanity. We talk a lot so.etimes about "the future"... Our children ARE that future. The way we treat them now, literally determines humanity's future. And our children are suffering needlessly! This is NOT 'sustainable'." - Nicoletta R.
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"In today’s era of polycrisis, climate disaster and massive change, it is essential that we shift the paradigm, and return to worldviews and practices that form deep connections to each other and Earth Community. Kindred World is emerging as a compassionate and inspiring leader in the exciting movement to embrace ancestral wisdom, and replace colonial structures with peaceful, sustainable earth-emergent societies. The most important goal is to change our “normalized” behaviors of competition to cooperation (from the “me” to the “we”), break the cycles of alienation and trauma, and create healthy, kinship-based individuals, families and communities. To this end, Kindred World promotes and teaches a wide range of transformative practices such as wellness-informed baby care, conscious parenting, collective caregiving, evolved nest living, new ethics, policies for organizations, rites of passage, eco-attachment, bonding to the land, and replacing western thinking with time-tested Indigenous worldviews. The knowledge held by both Darcia Narvaez and Lisa Reagan is astounding, and their dedication to the “New Story” profound. I am absolutely thrilled to have discovered their work, and I look forward to incorporating the Kindred World/Evolved Nest practices into my own life, and sharing far and wide with others. With so much gratitude!"
– Pegi Eyers, author of Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community
"The work of Darcia Narvaez and the Kindred community has been incredibly inspiring and educational to myself and my organization, Attachment Parenting International. Her recent book, The Evolved Nest, is a beautiful exploration of our world family through the eyes of science and anthropological studies…a blueprint for a compassionate world."
– Barbara Nicholson, Attachment Parenting International, Founder
As an academic and activist, teaching at the college level, I have had the great pleasure of working with Kindred World and Lisa Reagan on multiple occasions. This is a groundbreaking organization focused on making a difference in the world. Kindred Media articles, educational content, and referenced resources are required reading in my undergraduate “Sociology of Family” classes. In addition, I first worked with Kindred in 2011, at the Museum of Motherhood when Lisa organized several high-profile events. Presentations by leading experts in conscious-parenting, family wellness, and holistic-living drew wide audience participation and encouraged a conversation that continues today. Over the course of the last eight years, I have witnessed Kindred’s commitment to an important cultural shift, of which we are proud to be part of. This is such significant work! Thank you, Kindred! Thank you, Lisa!
– Martha Joy Rose, Museum of Motherhood, Founding Director
"Going onto the Kindred site is like stepping into another world, the world I envision and am working toward. From its illuminating pieces on childhood and parenting to its thoughtful essays on the environment and the critical need to change our worldview and our behaviors, Kindred challenges my mind and nourishes my soul."
– Suzanne Arms, Birthing the Future
"The challenges facing parents today are numerous and daunting. From African American women’s outrageously high maternal morbidity rate to our failing education system, it can be hard for parents to know who to turn to for guidance in facing these systemic challenges. Lisa Reagan’s Kindred World provides an invaluable resource that parents from all walks of life can turn to. Kindred World’s mindful, holistic approach empowers parents to make healthy decisions and to fight for a healthier future for everyone."
– Stephen Gyllenhaal, In Utero, film director and producer
" I found Kindred World before I knew what I was looking for. I thought I was on my own in terms philosophy surrounding what the world needs as a way forward. Kindred is a revolutionary movement; one that centers not only childhood into the conversation around activism, but development, in all it’s forms, holistically, and throughout generations as an essential role in healing both ourselves and the world. It is the most transformative thing out there, and I was honored to have had the opportunity to serve as part of their inaugural Fellowship Program. During my time immersed in their philosophical and actionable program, I learned more about myself than I thought I would. In turn, I gained a deeper sense of clarity about where and how we can intervene, individually and collectively, in a way that prevents unnecessary cycles of trauma from repeating themselves, in our own lives, in our family systems and in the world. Thus, no longer just responding to suffering, but transforming it.
"Desmond Tutu said, “We need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream, and find out why they’re falling in. And that’s exactly what kindergarten world is doing. And it’s revolutionary."
– Jenna Wes, CIIS Graduate Student and Kindred Fellowship Program Award Recipient 2021.
"Kindred World is a unique voice in the arena of child and family advocacy. Their work brings a much needed perspective to the public. They invite needed exploration and discourse. This organization promotes a peaceful world that values child safety and families that thrive."
– Sarah MacLaughlin, parenting author
Read all 99 five-star reviews on Kindred World's Great Nonprofits' page.
Read all of Kindred World's 99 five-star reviews on our Great Nonprofits' page!
The Old Story of Separation that dominates our culture and conditioning today is entering a natural composting stage... it doesn't work anymore. The New Story of Connection, who we've always been, is emerging in our consciousness and marrow. We are all in the space between these stories, exploring the possibilities, deciding what our new narrative will be...