The KFP pilot project launched in 2021 to wide acclaim and celebration from both college students and thought-leaders. The program introduces a new generation to Kindred World’s quarter century of insights into Creating Sustainable Humans and a Wellness-Informed Society. Fellows work with staff and presenters to explore and refine Kindred Activism, a sustainable strategy for change-making that centers childhood in social justice education while equipping advocates with inner (mindfulness) and external (relational) skills.
Visit the Kindred Fellowship Program website.
Kindred Activism is Rooted, Connected, and Imaginative! Feel free to download a PNG version of our poster here.
Read over 88 five-star reviews, endorsements, and stories of collaborations from our partners on Kindred World's Great Nonprofits' page. Kindred World has received the Great Nonrprofits' Top Rated Nonprofits Award every year since 2014.
“I am a past Kindred Fellowship student and I cannot say enough about what I learned from Kindred and all of those involved in making this program. Psychology student or not, this non-profit will teach all how to implement kindred activism into you lives, and many other lessons. I hope to continue my involvement with Kindred for years to come and hope to share its teachings with those around me!” – Kendall Lobdell, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“I have found Kindred World to be a highly creative resource for my work in childhood studies and one open to wide ranges of collaborative dialogue.” – John Wall, PhD, Rutgers University, Childism Institute, Give Children the Vote: On Democratizing Democracy
“Kindred World is an incredible organization that provides knowledge on often overlooked and ignored parts of individual, familial, and communal wellness. I've had the pleasure of working under and with some of their fantastic Board Members, and the wisdom we have shared will no doubt stick with me for the rest of my life.” – Reshma Grewal, KFP Founder and Facilitator, Kindred World Junior Board Member, University of California at Santa Barbara
“Lisa and David from Kindred interviewed me earlier this year to learn about childism and its contribution to social transformation. We talked across continents but could see eye to eye on a shared global issue: misopedy and adultism. Moreover, we shared hope in the recognising that that awareness of intergenerational injustice and oppression of children could be a way of overcoming our own limitations as "adults". I research and teach in the areas of pedagogy, sustainability, and interdisciplinary philosophy of education in the European and Norwegian.
“While my students are from various disciplines, it is disheartening to notice that the hardest group to educate about adultism/intergenerational inustice are future teachers. There are multiple factors that contribute to this, but connecting to networks like Kindred makes a big difference because it's delightful to know that the knowledge I have to offer, matters to those who contribute to raising children.”
– Tanu Biswas, PhD, Associate Professor in Pedagogy, University of Stavanger, Norway
"I found Kindred World before I knew what I was looking for. I thought I was on my own in terms philosophy surrounding what the world needs as a way forward. Kindred is a revolutionary movement; one that centers not only childhood into the conversation around activism, but development, in all it’s forms, holistically, and throughout generations as an essential role in healing both ourselves and the world. It is the most transformative thing out there, and I was honored to have had the opportunity to serve as part of their inaugural Fellowship Program. During my time immersed in their philosophical and actionable program, I learned more about myself than I thought I would. In turn, I gained a deeper sense of clarity about where and how we can intervene, individually and collectively, in a way that prevents unnecessary cycles of trauma from repeating themselves, in our own lives, in our family systems and in the world. Thus, no longer just responding to suffering, but transforming it.
"Desmond Tutu said, 'We need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream, and find out why they’re falling in.' And that’s exactly what kindergarten world is doing. And it’s revolutionary. - Jenna Wes, Kindred Fellowship Cohort 2021, Graduate Student, California Institute for Integral Studies
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"Serving the Re-Generation Since 1996"
The Old Story of Separation that dominates our culture and conditioning today is entering a natural composting stage... it doesn't work anymore. The New Story of Connection, who we've always been, is emerging in our consciousness and marrow. We are all in the space between these stories, exploring the possibilities, deciding what our new narrative will be...