“Sane leadership is the unshakeable faith in people’s capacity to be generous, creative and kind. It is the commitment to create the conditions for these capacities to blossom, protected from the external environment. It is the deep knowing that, even in the most dire circumstances, more becomes possible as people engage together with compassion and discernment, self-determining their way forward.”
– Margaret Wheatley, Who Do We Choose to Be?
For a quarter century, Kindred World has worked collaboratively with nonprofits, in community with individuals, and in alliance with our own values and vision for a Wellness-Informed Society. Here are a few of our partners and some of the programs and projects we've achieved together.
What Do I Need To Know To Partner With Kindred World?
Yes, but we highly recommend you spend time on our website and with our initiatives' websites to understand our strategies for cultural transformation and collective healing. Our forthcoming Creating Sustainable Humans Learning Center will help to guide you through this orientation. Please send us questions for now to hello@kindreworld.org.
No. From our inception, Kindred World has supported Cultural Creatives who perceive themselves as stewards of all life, placing sovereignty at the core of relational wellbeing. The Conscious Parenting/Child Liberation Movement's goal has been to illuminate the ways Western Culture is incapable of stewarding life, asks parents to abandon their biological imperatives for cultural imperatives (creating the Bio-Cultural Conflict), and asks activists to remain in Hamster Wheel Activism, traditional, reactionary activism. Our initiatives shed light on the way out of our Dominant Worldview and toward a whole, integrated, sovereign way of being with our restored capacity to steward all life.
Please send us your request to hello@kindredworld.org, along with links to your organization's website, and your vision of how you would like to collaborate, which initiative you are most drawn to support, and how you can help us Share the New Story of Our Human Family.
Our mission, is to champion a culture of compassionate individuals, families, and communities who have fun with, learn from, and responsively and lovingly interact with children. We accomplish this by providing guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children.
API has been in the parent education and support field for over 25 years and we've learned a few things about guiding, supporting and providing effective parenting resources for parents.
Kindred World's relationship with API began at our own beginning over two decades ago. We have collaborated, supported, and championed API's dedication to the science of attachment and the families they serve from the beginning. You can read API founders, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker's work on Kindred, watch video interviews, and listen to podcasts presentations.
You can read API's Attached Family magazine's interview with Kindred World's co-founder, Lisa Reagan, here. Currently, Lisa Reagan serves on API's Resource Advisory Council, and Kindred World's president, Darcia Narvaez, PhD, serves on API's board of directors.
Our collaborations include co-sponsoring the 2015 Pathways to Child Flourishing Symposia held at the University of Notre Dame’s William J. Shaw Center for Children and Families. Read the press release.
We look forward to collaborating with API for many years to come.
"The work of Darcia Narvaez and the Kindred community has been incredibly inspiring and educational to myself and my organization, Attachment Parenting International. Her recent book, The Evolved Nest, is a beautiful exploration of our world family through the eyes of science and anthropological studies…a blueprint for a compassionate world." Lysa Parker, API co-founder
"Kindred World serves families in ways no other organization does - with creative and knowledgeable leadership and a heart for parents and children--along with cutting-edge strategies and pioneering news. It's a pleasure to partner with Kindred World and feel encouraged that together we can change the course of lives and the world through compassionate parenting." – Samantha Grey, API Executive Director
APPPAH’s mission is to support and promote human potential from the very beginning of life by providing global education to professionals and families about emerging evidence in prenatal and perinatal science and birth psychology that babies are conscious and aware and have their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences before, during, and after birth.
Kindred World has partnered with APPPAH to bring awareness and advocacy to birth psychology over many years and through many projects. Kindred Media features a large collection of videos, podcasts, and interviews with APPPAH founders, board members, and educators here. In December 2015, APPPAH awarded Lisa Reagan, Kindred World's co-founder, their Award of Appreciation at their 19th International Congress in Berkeley, California, in recognition of her work, through Kindred Media, to create educational materials for the film, In Utero. You can find the collaborative film guide, interviews with Stephen Gyllenhaal and Kathleen Mann, the film's producers, on Kindred Media here.
The mission of the Center for Partnership Systems is to catalyze movement towards partnership systems on all levels of society through research, education, grassroots empowerment, and policy initiatives. CPS’s programs focus on promoting human rights and nonviolence, gender and racial equity, child development, and new metrics that demonstrate the financial contribution of the work of care.
We draw from the latest social and biological science including neuroscience, connecting the dots between the personal and political to address root causes rather than merely symptoms of dysfunction and injustice.
CPS' founder, Riane Eisler, has been featured on Kindred Media's podcast, Creating A Caring Economy, and Kindred World's board members regularly contribute to and are featured on CPS' partnership blog, including Teresa Graham Brett, Darcia Narvaez, and David Metler.
The Childism Institute aims to stimulate childist research across the academy, test and evolve the concept of childism, and inform childist social and political justice activism.
It does so by developing a range of projects including colloquia, workshops, conferences, speakers, collaborative publications, opinion pieces, special issues of journals, edited volumes, and books. It includes children and youth as appropriate in these initiatives. In addition, it formulates workshops and consultations for local, national, and international organizations run by both adults and children to understand how childism could inform – and be informed by – their work.
These cross-currents of theory development, scholarly investigation, and practical engagement enrich one another. In this way, the Childism Institute strives to develop an ongoing generative conversation about the lives of children that organically evolves new ideas and perspectives over time.
Kindred World has partnered with the Childism Institute to create an educational series around childism for Kindred Media and the Kindred Fellowship Program. The Kindred Fellowship Program has been featured on the Childism Institute's blog, and the ongoing series on childism can be found on Kindred Media here.
Climate Change and Consciousness (CCC) stewards a global network of diverse populations to accelerate regenerative responses to the climate crisis. Through education, mentorship, leadership development, supporting indigenous-led projects, and cultivating an international community of skilled activists, CCC is a nexus of inner transformation and socially responsible, high-impact climate activism.
By connecting the transformation of consciousness with practical and collaborative initiatives, CCC offers an essential response to the roots of our planetary emergency.
Climate Change and Consciousness founder, Stephanie Mines, PhD, serves on Kindred Media's International Editorial Advisory Board and is instrumental in guiding climate discussions there through her features, podcasts, and poetry.
"As a neuroscientist, mother and grandmother, I feel intimately linked with the mission of Kindred to provide resources that promote equanimity, inner confidence and co-regulation for children and families. At this juncture in history when safety is illusive and often non-existent, inner anchoring, alignment and personal empowerment are crucial. If we are to meet this existential threat and systemically transform society we need the Kindred orientation towards connection and alliance with the natural world. I speak for both the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma (www.Tara-Approach.org) and Climate Change & Consciousness (www.cccearth.org). These two global organizations are dedicated to a more beautiful world for the children of the future." - Stephanie Mines, PhD, Climate Change and Consciousness founder
EQUUS is a self-mastery, discovery and leadership development organization. We use various evidence-based experiential approaches to ignite powerful lasting change and breakthrough learning in individuals, teams and companies.
Our work has been validated by thought leaders of the business community around the world, and recognized as a key differentiator in the art of teaching essential yet elusive organizational and personal growth concepts.
EQUUS strives to be part of the new narrative emerging that recognizes a need for not just intelligence, but wisdom, in order that we succeed. We live in rapidly changing times. Our lives, and our organizations need to be highly adaptive in order to thrive. Conventional approaches to living and leading are no longer effective for today’s challenges. New capacities of awareness, wisdom and presence are now required, yet these cannot be learned in the same way other skill-sets are learned. Instead, conditions need to be created for such capacities to emerge. EQUUS creates those conditions.
Equus founder, Kelly Wendorf, serves on Kindred World's board of directors. She is the founder and a contributing editor to Kindred Media.
"Kindred is a miracle. Kindred is more than a media outlet, a community, a non-profit (which is already so much). It is a movement of awake, intelligent, informed and deeply caring human beings around the globe. Shepherded by the venerable Lisa Reagan, Kindred provides us resources that are grounded in neuroscience, wisdom, psychology and social innovation, so that we can thrive, raise conscious, caring, strong, empathetic children, and support others to do so also." – Kelly Wendorf, Kindred Media founder; Flying Lead Change: 56 Million Years of Wisdom for Leading and Living
The national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization Family and Home Network helps families spend generous amounts of time together by offering affirmation, information and advocacy. Founded by three at-home mothers in 1984 (and originally named Mothers at Home) this grassroots organization counts on volunteers to accomplish its work and relies on member contributions to cover its modest operating costs.
Family and Home Network fosters a respectful exchange of ideas, parent-to-parent communication, support and understanding. Volunteers bring a wealth of education, expertise and experience to Family and Home Network, and new members are encouraged to get involved in the organization’s work.
Films For Action is a library for people who want to change the world. Our mission is to empower citizens with the knowledge and perspectives essential to creating a more compassionate, just, regenerative, and democratic society. Charles Eisenstein calls it "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible," and we really love that. Films For Action was founded in 2006 by a few friends in Lawrence, Kansas, after realizing how essential healthy media is to a healthy democracy.
Over the last 15 years, we've curated over 1,000 free documentaries and 4,000 short films, plus over 150 pay-per-view documentaries, spanning 34 topics related to changing the world. During this time we've been able to reach tens of millions of people - not by owning a TV network or spending truckloads of cash on advertising, but because millions of awesome people keep sharing 'films for action' with their friends on social media - in particular, our 850,000 supporters on Facebook and 70,000 site members.
The Evolved Nest's Breaking the Cycle film, in both English and Spanish versions, has been featured on Films for Actions and was a "trending" film in the summer of 2021. We look forward to launching more films through their website and partnership.
The Flourish Project introduces a new and powerful framework for understanding and mapping human wellbeing that promotes community involvement and whole-systems thinking. Currently moving into its pilot period, it offers parents, teachers, schools, care-homes, businesses, city-leaders and national policymakers the ability to better understand and promote the health and wellbeing of both themselves and their own local communities and populations. In each case, it provides a quick and easy way to map and evaluate existing wellbeing scales and indicators that promotes eco-systemic thinking and the need to 'measure what matters'. Above all, it underpins the call for a more caring, sustainable and compassionate world.
Local Futures is an international non-profit organization dedicated to renewing ecological and social well-being by strengthening communities and local economies worldwide. In other words: building an economics of happiness.
Watch Darcia Narvaez, Kindred World's president, present at Local Futures' sponsored Planet Local Summit in Brighton, UK, in 2023 here.
Dieudonne Anumbosi Allo from the Eastern Cape in South Africa is the Founder and CEO of the Global Leading Light Initiatives, a registered non-profit organization formed in 2014 on a strong conviction that collective prosperity can be achieved in Africa and globally through coordinated grassroots initiatives aimed at creating nurturing and enabling environments for children and youths. The GLLI’s initiatives directly involve children, adolescents and parents in the effort to disrupt the cycle of poverty and reduce inequalities both in South Africa and Bostwana. A former school teacher, Dieudonne graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Health Sciences and Social Services at the University of South Africa in 2014 and an Advanced Diploma in Health Care Management from the Yale School of Public Health/Foundation for Professional Development in 2011, among other academic credentials, professional certifications and training programs.
GLLI and Dieudonne Allo have collaborated with Kindred World through our initiatives, the Parent Liberation Alliance, the Kindred Fellowship Program, and Kindred Media, since 2014.
Levy Farías, Educator, PhD in Social Sciences, Fulbright Visiting Researcher at the Psychology Department of the University of Notre Dame (2012-2013), is an associated researcher in the Laboratorio de Ciencias Sociales (LACSO), of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). He is author of the book “La comunidad en carne propia: Un estudio biográfico del altruismo y la madurez moral en barrios caraqueños” (2008). [The Community in Own Flesh: A biographical study of moral maturity and altruism in Caracas’ working-class sectors]. He shared the Chacao Award to Research on Childhood and Adolescence (2010). Founder and coeditor (2010-2017) of Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia, an electronic open-access Journal. Specializing in moral psychology and moral education, he coordinated the collaborative projects Educating in citizenship: moral development, discipline and school climate (2016); and Common Ground: Fostering moral development through the teaching of English as second language (2015). His more recent publications include peer-reviewed articles about the interdisciplinary and social challenges of contemporary moral psychology (2017); the challenges of new and pervasive technologies for moral and citizenship education (2020); and the use of podcasts in moral education (2021). He has also translated into Spanish influential works about moral development and moral education, by authors such as Lawrence Kohlberg, Ann Higgins D’Alessandro, Anne Colby, Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley, John C. Gibbs, Clark F. Power, and Larry Nucci, among others.
He is a champion of Kindred World's vision through his volunteer contributions to translate the materials for the Evolved Nest's Breaking the Cycle film guide and resources into Spanish. Watch the Spanish-version of the film and download the guide here.
Contact: fariaslevy@gmail.com / levy.farias@fulbrightmail.org
Webpage: https://ucv.academia.edu/LevyFar%C3%ADas
We are a community co-created with Indigenous Wildlife, rescued Animals, the land, and humans. Our mission is to provide teachings that show how to live by Nature’s ethics and principles. We call this Nature consciousness. These teachings are put into practice at our Sanctuary Sangha, Grace Village, and in our programs of Animal reparation and Wildlife sovereignty.
Kindred World partners with Kerulos in 2023 to bring forward the book, film, and teaching materials for The Evolved Nest: Nature's Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities. The book is authored by G. A. Bradshaw, Kerulos' founder, and Darcia Narveaz, Kindred World's president. Learn more about the book and its many endorsements here.
Visit the Kerulos Center for Nonviolence here.
The objective of Prenatal Alliance is to inform every person about the power inherent in us during conception and pregnancy to create and inspire the new generation yet to be born. We are a purpose-driven organization with a mission to promote awareness about the relevance of the beginning of life, from conception, pregnancy and birth to breastfeeding, for the quality of Human Civilization.
We are individually and collectively committed to fostering the following values, worldwide:
Our Vision
. That every person on earth is aware of the utmost relevance of conception, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding for a planet peopled with thriving, loving and altruistic children and adults
. Every pregnant woman supported and inspired by her community, as well as by her partner, both of them conscious of the power nature gave her to form and nurture in her womb a healthy future adult, capable of self-love, love towards others, our planet and the sublime – a "Homo sapiens frater"
. That every baby is conceived, gestated, born, breastfed and nurtured in a loving, joyous, healthy, harmonious and respectful way
Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere, ROSE, seeks to enhance, encourage, support, promote, and protect breastfeeding throughout the USA, by working to reduce the breastfeeding disparities among African American women, and to strengthen the health of their babies and families through, mentoring, training, breastfeeding support groups, social support, outreach, education, legislation, health policies, and social marketing.
ROBE, ROSE's counterpart, Reaching Our Brothers Everywhere, seeks to educate, equip, and empower men to impact an increase in breastfeeding rates and a decrease in infant mortality rates within the African-American communities.
The work of ROSE and ROBE have been featured on Kindred Media in the Meet the Men of ROBE Series: Standing at the Intersection of Fatherhood, Infant Mortality, Breastfeeding, and Social Justice. You can discover the four part series here.
ROSE founder, Kimarie Bugg, PhD, is featured in a Kindred Media interview, The Magic of Our Fears and Tears here.
Both ROSE founder, Kimarie Bugg, PhD, and Wesley Bugg, JD, were featured in Kindred Media's Meet the Wayfinder Series created for the La Leche League International 65th Anniversary Conference in 2021. The nine-part series has been translated into six languages and is available on the LLLI website until April 2022. Learn more about the Meet the Wayfinders Series here.
"Kindred, especially Lisa Reagan, has interviewed members of Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE) and Reaching Our Brothers Everywhere (ROBE) more than once yet every opportunity is relevant and done with care. The depth of each interview and the various interviewers keeps everyone wanting more. ROSE and ROBE encourage the continued support of Kindred and hope that Kindred will keep illuminating the stories that matter." – Wesley Bugg, JD, Reaching Our Brothers Everywhere
Our mission is to assist humanity in evolving its consciousness such that it is capable of living in relative harmony with each other and the biosphere. Realizing that human beings are guided by the stories they believe, we recognize that we must become aware of the stories we believe and how they shape our world. We aim to awaken humanity to the power of stories to remake our world, both individually and collectively. When humanity lives from the true story of interconnection, of interbeing, a vastly different human society and culture can emerge, one in which new solutions that seem impossible today will be obvious to all.
Sustainable Humans helped to produce the Evolved Nest's Breaking the Cycle film for Kindred World in 2021. Their work, of telling impactful stories through video, is frequently featured on Kindred Media.
Exposing the True Costs of War: When talking about the total costs of war, it is necessary to look at the entire picture. The costs associated with war and militarism can be difficult to measure, but VFP recognizes the need to address all levels of these costs.
Building a Culture of Peace: Our society today is one that finds violence acceptable and inevitable. In many small ways our culture teaches us that war is noble. To build a culture of peace, we will need to not only end war but also become a peaceful society within our own communities.
Healing the Wounds of War: Central to the call for peace is healing the wounds of war - whether those wounds be in the countries where bombs were dropped or in the homes and hearts of veterans in our own society.
Veterans for Peace is partnering with Kindred World in 2024 to bring the Worldview Literacy Chart and Indigenous Worldview educational website and survey to a new project website approved by both organizations' board of directors. A link to this project will be posted soon.
The Old Story of Separation that dominates our culture and conditioning today is entering a natural composting stage... it doesn't work anymore. The New Story of Connection, who we've always been, is emerging in our consciousness and marrow. We are all in the space between these stories, exploring the possibilities, deciding what our new narrative will be...