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The Evolved Nest is a breakthrough concept that integrates findings across fields that bear on child development, child raising and adult behavior. The Evolved Nest promotes optimal health and wellbeing, cooperation, and receptive and sociomoral intelligences. Societal moves away from providing the Evolved Nest have contributed to the ill being and dysregulation we see in one another and society. Learn how to nest your children and re-nest yourself.
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“Kindred has been a godsend for realizing that aiming for the wellbeing of people, communities and planet is not hopeless. Thank you, Kindred, for your years of wise guidance!”
Darcia Narvaez, PhD
Kindred World, President
Evolved Nest, Founder
Darcia Narvaez is a Professor of Psychology Emerita at the University of Notre Dame. She is the founder of the public and professional educational outreach project, The Evolved Nest Initiative, whose nonprofit mission is to share her science research into developing appropriate baselines for lifelong human wellness by meeting the biological needs of infants. This baseline is imperative at this time as the United States ranks 41st out of 41 developed countries in public policies that support families.
In a 2020 analysis of top scientists, Narvaez emerged in the top 2% of scientists worldwide. Of the eight million scientists in the world, the analysis concerned those who had at least five articles published in scientific journals between 1996 and 2017-- over six million scientists. Individuals were ranked according to various criteria, including number of citations of their work.
Narvaez’s book, Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom, was chosen for the 2017 Expanded Reason Award from among more than 360 total entries from 170 universities and 30 countries. Narvaez received the prize, including a substantial monetary award, at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Vatican City on September 27, 2017. The book also received the William James Award from the American Psychological Association in 2015.
The Evolved Nest is a breakthrough concept that integrates findings across fields that bear on child development, child raising and adult behavior. The Evolved Nest promotes optimal health and wellbeing, cooperation, and receptive and sociomoral intelligences. Societal moves away from providing the Evolved Nest have contributed to the ill being and dysregulation we see in one another and society. Learn how to nest your children and re-nest yourself.
Narvaez’s prior careers include professional musician, classroom music teacher, business owner, seminarian and middle school Spanish teacher. Dr. Narvaez’s current research explores how early life experience influences societal culture, wellbeing and sociomoral character in children and adults. She integrates neurobiological, clinical, developmental and education sciences in her theories and research about human nature and human development. She publishes extensively on moral development, parenting and education. Recently she has been studying the Evolved Nest and how it influences wellbeing, sociality and morality.
On the Evolved Nest’s YouTube channel, you can view the many interdisciplinary conferences she hosted at the University of Notre Dame regarding early experience and human development. In 2016, she organized a conference on Sustainable Wisdom: Integrating Indigenous KnowHow for Global Flourishing, and whose essays were published in a book by the same name in 2019.
“Kindred World helps bridge the vast gap between scientific research and practice, what is happening within the culture that often cuts against scientific evidence regarding ways to promote human thriving and flourishing. Parents and families deserve to know the best ways to raise healthy, happy, socio-emotionally developed, loving children and this is exactly what Kindred provides!”
Mary Tarsha
Kindred World, Director-at-Large
Evolved Nest, Collaborator and Researcher
Kindred Media, Contributing Editor and Podcaster
Mary Tarsha is a PhD student in Developmental Psychology and Peace Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Research at the University of Notre Dame. She conducts research investigating human flourishing and moral development in the Evolutionary Moral Psychology Laboratory under the directorship of Dr. Darcia Narvaez.
Listen to Mary Tarsha’s podcast series with Darcia Narvaez on the Evolved Nest.
And listen to her book reviews with Dr. Narvaez on Kindred.
“The profound and needed significance of Darcia Narvaez's work through the Evolved Nest is not lost on parents, professionals, and activists who have waited decades for a wayfinder to research and present the science of the integrated, interdisciplinary worldview supporting our human family's path to wholeness and wellness. Her work shines an unflinching light on the damage inflicted by our dominant culture's disconnected worldview, and provides a clear path for creating sustainable humans and a Wellness-Informed Society."
Lisa Reagan
Kindred World, Co-Founder, Board of Directors, Secretary
Evolved Nest, Collaborator and Communications
Kindred Media, Executive Editor
Discover Lisa's work on Kindred Media.
Read over 88 five-star reviews, endorsements, and stories of collaborations from our partners on Kindred World's Great Nonprofits' page. Kindred World has received the Great Nonrprofits' Top Rated Nonprofits Award every year since 2014.
“I heartily applaud Darcia Narvaez and Kindred World for the excellent and important work they are doing to show how to change our values to support the children of the present and the future. The challenges that are facing Mother Earth and all species including our own are difficult and daunting but Narvaez shows the ways and the direction in which we can move towards survival and thrival.I am grateful for her down to Earth and intelligent leadership and initiative..” – Genevieve Vaughan, Founder, Maternal Gift Economy Movement and Salons, Homo Donans: For A Maternal Economy, Author
“I discovered Kindred World through the work of Dr. Darcia Narvaez after reading her book Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality. It greatly advanced my thinking on the importance of child development and even the fundamental reality of who we are as a species and how we best flourish in balance with other human and non-human selves. It was through my familiarity with Dr. Narvaez that I then came to know of Lisa Reagan's work in eduction, advocacy, and media, and that led me to Kindred World. Kindred World plays an essential role in advancing our understanding of human flourishing and advocates for the shifts necessary to align our cultures with our optimal development as a species in balance with the world.” – Benjamin, political scientist and peace ethologist, global social justice educator at the University of Michigan
“Thank you Kindred World for working tirelessly to get the word out that a healthy world begins with a healthy child, which begins with a healthy mother and family supported by the community. As our culture seems to spin out of control, the voices for truth you provide and promote give parents a healthy, sane place to turn for support in raising attached, secure babies. One such voice is Dr. Darcia Narvaez who also works tirelessly to expand our culture's understanding of these critical issues. It has been said, ‘It's darkest just before the light’. Thanks to all of the Kindred World light workers for helping to usher in a new dawn!” – Diane Hansen, professional with expertise in the field
“Darcia’s work is invaluable! Her research reveals human-nestedness is paramount to a worthwhile and wholesome existence, alongside, within and as-part-of nature. Our species’ ‘true’ societal norms are broken, as revealed through her research of the “Evolved Nest” or the evolved developmental niche. What’s needed is to realign modernity with our species’ typical biological nature. As a biologist who sees all things in nature as animate, it is without a doubt what we’ve been missing and why we humans are experiencing so much unrest, prevalent and normalized psychosis in the form of depression, deep seated aggression, resentment, learning disabilities and so much more.
“My conversations with Darcia have felt like the reunion of kindred spirits. Her research and words have pointed towards that innate truth I’ve worked hard to try to share with others. Our true human nature is so much more then we are experiencing in these times. We need to nest our children well, as naturally as we did for ten’ of thousands of years of our evolutionary and prehistoric past. Hope for humanity lies within restoration of our species’ evolved nest. As soon as humanity resumes it’s place, once again, within the niche in which we evolved, only then will we gain true sustainability and a better, more wholesome existence. We owe our children and the future of humanity the nested-ness that is a part of who we really are.” – Wild Feather Jane, a parent
By Darcia Narvaez, PhD
Moral development has traditionally been considered a matter of reasoning―of learning and acting in accordance with abstract rules. On this model, largely taken for granted in modern societies, acts of selfishness, aggression, and ecological mindlessness are failures of will, moral problems that can be solved by acting in accordance with a higher rationality. But both ancient philosophy and recent scientific scholarship emphasize implicit systems, such as action schemas and perceptual filters that guide behavior and shape human development. In this integrative book, Darcia Narvaez argues that morality goes “all the way down” into our neurobiological and emotional development, and that a person’s moral architecture is largely established early on in life. Moral rationality and virtue emerge “bottom up” from lived experience, so it matters what that experience is. Bringing together deep anthropological history, ethical philosophy, and contemporary neurobiological science, she demonstrates where modern industrialized societies have fallen away from the cultural practices that made us human in the first place.
Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality advances the field of developmental moral psychology in three key ways. First, it provides an evolutionary framework for early childhood experience grounded in developmental systems theory, encompassing not only genes but a wide array of environmental and epigenetic factors. Second, it proposes a neurobiological basis for the development of moral sensibilities and cognition, describing ethical functioning at multiple levels of complexity and context before turning to a theory of the emergence of wisdom. Finally, it embraces the sociocultural orientations of our ancestors and cousins in small-band hunter-gatherer societies―the norm for 99% of human history―for a re-envisioning of moral life, from the way we value and organize child raising to how we might frame a response to human-made global ecological collapse.
Integrating the latest scholarship in clinical sciences and positive psychology, Narvaez proposes a developmentally informed ecological and ethical sensibility as a way to self-author and revise the ways we think about parenting and sociality. The techniques she describes point towards an alternative vision of moral development and flourishing, one that synthesizes traditional models of executive, top-down wisdom with “primal” wisdom built by multiple systems of biological and cultural influence from the ground up.
*Winner of the William James Book Award from Division I of the American Psychological Association
*Winner of the 2016 book award from the Moral Development and Education SIG at the American Educational Research Association
Read the introduction and the first chapter of this book on the Evolved Nest website.
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The Old Story of Separation that dominates our culture and conditioning today is entering a natural composting stage... it doesn't work anymore. The New Story of Connection, who we've always been, is emerging in our consciousness and marrow. We are all in the space between these stories, exploring the possibilities, deciding what our new narrative will be...